Visual Art Meets Functional Design

Prints, Presets, LUTs and Graphics

Acoustic Panel Prints

Made in collaboration with Konto Acoustics from Finland.

Ecological acoustic products exhibit an excellent sound absorption capability.

The main raw material is surface peat fiber.

Presets & LUTs

Transform your digital images with Lightroom presets and your video colors with LUTs!

by j.tengström

by j.tengström

about me


Hi, my name is Jyri Tengström.
I’m a professional photographer and videographer from Finland.

My goal besides sharing my artwork is to also help others who want to start their own creative project and business.

On this website I share my presets, LUTs and artworks with you.

// The desire to create something new, to encounter and lift up people, and to capture meaningful moments define my work and make it unique //